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Балканско първенство по ски-алпинизъм, 15-16-ти февруари 2008 г., Синая, Румъния.
30 януари 2008


Quick facts:

Individual ski mountaineering race
Second edition
Balkan Championship (elite category, runners with licence; route A)
Romanian National Individual Championship (elite category, runners with licence, route A)
Race for amateurs (open to everybody, runners without licence, route B)
Start / Finish: Sinaia – Skiers Hut (Cabana Schiorilor), 950m
13 age categories:

- Elite - seniors M+F, juniors M+F

- Amateurs female: 18-29 years, 30-40 years, +41 years, open

- Amateurs male: 18-29 years, 30-40 years, +41years, open

- Mountain Rescue + Mountain Police: open



· WINTERRACE SINAIA 2008 is open to everybody who loves sports in open air. Competition has to sections: elite and amateurs. You need, good health, a minimum level of training, technical knowledge about ski mountaineering and minimum age of 18 years. One exception, for elite juniors category, which is open to all young between 16 and 18 years old. All runners who don’t have 18 years must have the agreement of parents or legal guardian, writhed and signed on the entry forms.

· Runners take all responsibility for their health.

· All registered runners will have a race number and accreditation.

· All runners must respect the rules and follow the indications of the organizers.

· Registration is possible directly or by post with the attached, fully completed and signed form. For Balkan Championship will be accepted an e-mail pre registration with condition of complete and sign the entry forms before the start.

· Applications by telephone, fax or e-mail will not be accepted!

· The registration forms without signature will not be accepted.
Registration fee

· 10 euro till 08.02.2007

· 15 euro after 08.02.2007

· Registration fee include: 1 official cap, 1 gel and 1 energy bar SPONSER before start; energy drinks SPONSER, fruits; medical care; results.


· Directly at registration office.

· All runners who take part at WINTERRACE SINAIA 2008 are responsible for their own safety and security.

· The organizers, partners, sponsors, volunteers and all personal who take part at the event organizing will not take any responsibility for any wounds, lost, cancellation, delays or changes of the track which can appear in time of the race.

· For Balkan Championship will be available the ISMC Sport Regulation.

Competition place

· The competition will take place at Sinaia, Bucegi Mountains. Sinaia is one of the biggest ski resort from Romania, is situated on Prahova Valley, the main access route (car and train) to Transylvania, 120km north from Bucharest and 40km south from Brasov.

· Start and finish area is at Skiers Hut (Cabana Schiorilor). If you will arrive with car from center of Sinaia take left to Cota 1400. After 1,5 - 2 km, on the left side is the Skiers Hut.

· Lucian Clinciu 004/0722-553121, lucian_clinciu@yahoo.com or schialpinism@yahoo.com

There will be more information about accommodation after 1 February.

Race A – Elite – male, female, juniors (click here)

Route B – Amateurs – male, female, juniors (click here)

Registration form – click here

Важно! По молба на организаторите, моля, направете Вашата регистрация с копие до БФКА, и-мейл: office@bfka.org

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