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On January 27th, 2007, in Frankfurt, 48 Federations convened to found the IFSC - International Federation of Sport Climbing.
28 януари 2007

The Statutes and Bye-laws, as well as the regulations, of the new IF were unanimously adopted, and a new challenge began. The number of members is now approaching 70. FBAC is full member of the IFSC.

to IFSC website

София 1142, бул. "Васил Левски" 75
тел./факс (+359 2) 930 05 32; e-mail: office@bfka.org
Булстат 121213771, банкова сметка: ОББ,
IBAN - BG84UBBS81551001950421, BIC - UBBSBGSF